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Interspinous bursitis in an athlete. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. (Br).

We present a case of L2/3 interspinous bursitis treated with extraspinal injections. No previous investigations have used fluoroscopically guided spinal injections to confirm the clinical  relevance of the MRI features of this type of bursae. Autopsy studies have revealed an increased  incidence of interspinous lumbar bursal cavities with advancing age. Afflicted patients present with localised, midline lower lumbar pain exacerbated by extension. In young athletes these  symptoms can mimic spondylolysis. MRI is useful in detecting soft-tissue injury of the posterior  elements.

Fluoroscopically guided diagnostic and therapeutic extraspinal injections can be used for confirmation and treatment of pain from such bursae.

Lumbar Interspinous Ligament